Concert Injuries: 4 Types Of Cases Where The Performers May Be Held Liable

10 May 2016
 Categories: Law, Articles


Attending a live concert is a thrilling experience where you can enjoy music, performances, and stage shows put on by your favorite artists. When purchasing a ticket for a concert, you never expect to leave the venue with an injury, but in some unfortunate cases this can happen. If you have been injured at a concert, you may try and seek out compensation for both physical and emotional injuries. When this is the case, it is often hard to know what parties should be liable for the damages. By consulting with a personal injury lawyer, you can help establish your case and discover four different types of cases where the actual performers are held liable. Browse through each case type to see if any of the factors apply to your injury.

Flying Objects

Performing on stage is exciting for many performers and they may not be thinking clearly when they feel a rush of energy from enthusiastic crowds. This excitement can easily result in flying objects and debris flung into the audience. Microphones and pieces of musical equipment can easily get launched into the stands and cause an injury. If a fan throws something on stage, a performer may throw it back into the audience and cause an injury. If any of these factors are a cause of your injury, then the performer could be held liable. Their actions may have led directly to the injury and a personal injury attorney can seek compensation on your behalf.

Mosh Pits

Performers often use their stage presence to direct crowds and create interactive moments. Clapping and waving hands are two of the basic things a performer can request, but things may get taken too far if mosh pits are encouraged. When a mosh pit forms, bodies slam into each other and injuries occur. If a band is encouraging or getting involved in these pits, you could hold them liable for any injuries that have occurred. Your chances of a case may even increase if you were not involved in a mosh pit or physical action in the first place. Another example of this is when stage performers literally jump into the crowd. If a performer jumps towards you to perform an action like crowd surfing, that jump could cause injuries like broken arms or legs. The performer could be held liable for their unsafe act and endangerment to members of the audience. During chaos like a mosh pit or crowd surfing, lawyers may use video footage from the concert to help support evidence of your injury.

Malfunctioning Equipment

When attending a concert, it is expected that the venue will be loud. While typical noise is often fine for the ears, malfunctioning equipment can cause loud booms or prolonged noises that are unexpected. When an incident like this occurs, you may suffer from an injury like noise induced hearing loss. After suffering from the hearing loss, a lawyer can help seek compensation for your injuries and medical bills. If the equipment did not malfunction, you would have still had normal hearing and not suffered through the injury. In a case like this, a lawyer may seek out other concert attendees for witness statements or similar hearing issues.

Slip & Fall Incidents

Standing close to the stage is a great way to take in a performance, but there are often may hazards that can result in a slip and fall incident. Sometimes these hazards are directly correlated with the performer. For example, many performers enjoy drinking water, spitting it out onto audience members or just tossing an open bottle out to create a cool visual effect. The spilled water can result in slip and fall incident that causes serious injuries. Along with water, some performers may use items like confetti to launch into a crowd. The small pieces of confetti could create a walking hazard and lead to an injury. The performer's use of these items can hold them directly liable for any injuries that occur.

Contact a personal injury lawyer to help break down your case and get a settlement for the injuries that occurred at a concert. Along with performers, additional parties like the concert venue may be held liable.